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Gartennbau-Versicherung participates in Ökoprofit 2024/25

By 16. May 2024No Comments
Dr Dietmar Kohlruss, Member of the Board of Gartenbau-Versicherung, is looking forward to discussing
the topic of “sustainability” with other Wiesbaden-based companies.


Wiesbaden-based Gartenbau-Versicherung is taking part in the new
round of the nationwide Ökoprofit programme. The aim of the
programme is to support local companies in implementing effective
climate and environmental protection management. The specialist
insurer is thus continuing its consistent approach to sustainability

Over a period of one year, the participating companies will review their business premises and
processes for climate-relevant aspects in eight workshops and four individual consultations.
Experienced consultants will support the companies in drawing up an initial climate balance sheet,
developing their own sustainability strategy and drawing up a specific programme of measures in the
areas of energy, water, waste, mobility and procurement. Participation in the programme will conclude
in spring 2025 with certification before an audit committee.

Active contribution to achieving climate targets

“For us, the Ökoprofit programme is an efficient way of preparing ourselves for future mandatory
sustainability reporting,” says Executive Board member Dr Dietmar Kohlruss, explaining the reasons
for participating. And emphasises: “As a responsible corporate citizen, we want to actively contribute to
Wiesbaden achieving its climate targets. In our role as part of the green industry and as an insurer of
weather risks, it is particularly important for us to fulfil our responsibility for the climate and the

Local platform promotes exchange and development

The programme was launched on 15 May 2024 with an official ceremony at Wiesbaden City Hall. The
first workshop was held on this day. After the first certification, the
“Ökoprofit-Klub” provides a local platform for dialogue and further development. Anette Raschdorf, the
company’s sustainability officer, is responsible for project management at Gartenbau-Versicherung.