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Hail damage – what now?

Hail events are difficult to predict, which makes it difficult to prepare at short notice. It is therefore particularly important to handle damage events correctly in order to prevent further hazards.


In the event of an emergency, call the fire department (112) immediately to ensure rapid assistance.

Avoid the
danger zone

Do not enter damaged greenhouses, as fragments or loose panes of glass could fall down.


If it is necessary to enter the damaged greenhouses, suitable protective clothing including a helmet should be worn.

Protecting machines and electric appliances

Cover machines or switch boxes to protect them from damage caused by subsequent rain.

Organize glass pane replacement

If your stock of replacement panes is insufficient, contact your glass supplier or colleagues with glass reserves immediately.

Covering the roof

Secure coverings, such as sheeting or OSB panels, can be used to close off holes to prevent further damage to crops.

Marking glass breakage points

Vegetable growing areas with glass damage must be labeled, as these sections must not be harvested for food safety reasons.

Contact your risk consultant

Inform your Gartenbau-Versicherung risk consultant, who will support you during the repair of the damage.

How does hail come about?

Hail often occurs as a side effect of so-called supercell thunderstorms. Only these extreme weather phenomena, which consist of several individual thunderstorms, heavy rainfall and numerous updrafts and downdrafts, can produce hail. Raindrops from the updraft freeze at high altitudes, then fall back down and grow as more frozen water droplets accumulate. Hailstones usually have a diameter of 0.5 to 3 cm and can weigh up to 20 grams. However, much larger hailstones can also occur, although they rarely fall as precipitation in our latitudes. Hail can occur at any time of the year, although an increased frequency can be observed in the months from May to August. Although hail can occur anywhere, certain regions are affected much more frequently than others.

  • You can use hail zone maps, such as those from the German Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (“Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe” – BKK), to find out about the local hazard risk.

Hail events in the past

Over the last 20 years, hail events in Germany have had devastating effects on horticulture businesses. The most serious events were in 2008, 2011 and 2013. Even though there has been comparatively less hail damage to Gartenbau-Versicherung member businesses in recent years, studies show that the frequency and intensity of hail events could increase due to climate change.

Risk potential from hail

The following is an overview of the types of property damage caused by hail:

Direct damage caused by impact

Damage to greenhouse roofing
Damage to plants
Damage to vehicles and technical equipment

Indirect damage

Damage caused by hail
Damage to plants caused by falling glass
Increased risk of disease in damaged plants
Blocked rain gutters/drainage shafts that can cause flooding

The extent of the damage caused by hail depends on:

Damage caused by hail
Type of hail
Hailstone size
Wind speed
Angle of incidence
Density of incidence

Preparatory measures

It is difficult to prepare for hail events at short notice, as they occur without warning. It is therefore particularly important to prevent damage in the long term. When planning a greenhouse system, for example, the use of safety glass is recommended. This has an increased resistance to breakage compared to conventional greenhouse glass. In the event of damage, it disintegrates into small crumbs of glass and therefore causes less damage to crops and greenhouse equipment. In greenhouse systems, care should also be taken to ensure that drainage channels are kept clean, as hailstones can otherwise easily lead to blockages and water accumulation. You should therefore regularly clear gutters of leaves and other debris so that water can drain away better. When purchasing solar and photovoltaic systems, also look out for hail-proof products. For outdoor crops such as nursery plants, hail protection nets can be used.

What to do before and during a hailstorm

Step 1

Check the weather warnings issued by the German Weather Service

Step 2

Space permitting, move hail-sensitive materials and vehicles into your production hall before severe weather events occur

Step 3

If there are no crops in a greenhouse, we recommend setting the thermal screen to package mode

Step 4

Leave greenhouses immediately and do not remain in the open. Seek shelter indoors

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Initial damage assessment within 48 hours.

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