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Take action in advance

As soon as the first snowflakes fall, energy-saving measures such as thermal insulation should be suspended immediately. It is also important to increase the temperature in the greenhouse to such an extent that the snow does not accumulate and thaw on the roof. “Once a layer of snow has formed, it is almost impossible to get rid of it again,” explains Konstantin Lang, head of the claims department at Gartenbau-Versicherung. “Then damage from snow pressure is almost unavoidable.”
Read on to find out how you can protect your business.

Adjust the insulation

As soon as the first snow falls, the thermal insulation should be adjusted or reduced to ensure a stable temperature in the greenhouse and prevent snow damage.


The temperature in the greenhouse should be increased early enough to prevent snow from accumulating on the roofs and causing damage.

Clear snow regularly

Regularly clearing snow from the roof and other sensitive areas should be part of your winter management routine to prevent damage from snow pressure.

Install snow protection systems

Installing snow protection systems such as snow guards or nets on greenhouse roofs can help to prevent the accumulation of snow and thus minimize the risk of damage caused by snow pressure.

Check the roof structure

Before winter starts, all greenhouses and greenhouse roofs should be checked for their load-bearing capacity to ensure that they can withstand snow pressure.

Energy-efficient heating systems

Using energy-efficient heating systems in the greenhouse helps to maintain the required temperature without consuming unnecessary amounts of energy and protects against damage caused by frost.

Keep an eye on the weather forecast

It is important to check the weather forecasts regularly so that you can react to snow and severe cold ahead of time and take any necessary action.

Draw up
emergency plans

Emergency plans should be drawn up to deal with snowstorms or extreme winter weather, including measures to clear snow and adjust heating systems quickly.

Fast action is crucial

The most important thing is to react quickly at the first sign of snow. Open all the screens and make sure that all the glass surfaces are warmed up to the same temperature. This will prevent a blanket of insulating snow from forming. If you notice that snow drifts and frozen gutters are making the situation worse, the use of strategically positioned supports can reduce the damage. Video: Using the example of damage caused by snow pressure in Münsterland, our risk consultant Klaus Bingel explains why it is so important to protect your business by insuring it appropriately.

General tips for winter

”It is essential to make sure that your heating system is regularly maintained and that you have sufficient fuel so that you can react quickly in an emergency and the heat gets to where it is needed in good time to melt ice and snow. You should therefore check your main heating system or decentralized heating appliances in plenty of time before winter.” Konstantin Lang advises. “If damage does occur, don’t hesitate to contact your local risk consultant. They will be happy to help and advise you.”

Further possible risks and causes of snow pressure.

According to our experts, there are also other factors that play a role.

Snow load
on roofs

Unevenly distributed snow on flat roofs can lead to excessive loads, which jeopardizes the load-bearing capacity of the greenhouses.

in temperature

Fluctuating temperatures cause snow to melt and freeze again, which makes the snow denser and increases the pressure on the roof.

Insufficient snow clearing

If snow is not cleared regularly, it can form a heavy, wet layer that puts a lot of strain on the roof.

Unstable structures

Old or poorly protected greenhouses are more susceptible to damage from snow pressure and can collapse under heavy loads.

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