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Effective measures to reduce the risk of fire

The most important step in preventing fires in horticultural businesses is to identify and minimize the risks. With a thorough risk analysis and advice from our experts, you can effectively reduce the risk of fire.
Read on to find out how you can protect your business.

Clear structures

Create clear structures and organizational rules in the horticultural business and make them binding for employees. Our modular solutions provide every horticultural business with tailor-made coverage that is perfectly geared to the enterprise and its risks.

Storing materials

Highly flammable materials in particular should be stored safely and correctly, ideally in designated areas outside the greenhouse. This will protect your plants and your business.

LI-Ionen rechargable batteries

Store and charge LI-ion batteries in special fireproof cabinets. Protect your business and property by storing batteries appropriately.

Train your staff

Raise employees' awareness of the dangers of fires and inform them about what to do in the event of a fire.

Comprehensive emergency plan

Draw up a comprehensive emergency plan and discuss it regularly with employees in order to be able to act quickly and effectively in the event of a fire. A well-prepared emergency plan is crucial.

Regular maintenance

Regular maintenance of electrical systems, electrical and electronic appliances by qualified specialists. Thermographic scans help to identify and eliminate weak points and defects in switch cabinets before they become critical.

Fire prevention

Fire alarm systems and fire extinguishers in the company help to detect and fight fires before they can spread. Keep your business safe.

Fire protection regulations

When planning new buildings and structural alterations, fire safety regulations must always be taken into account. These serve to protect human life and the safety of your business and should therefore not be neglected.

Recommendation: Preventive measures make sense

And help prevent fires

In a best case scenario, the risk of fires or even major fires in horticultural businesses can be avoided or at least reduced. This can be achieved through a variety of preventive measures and tailor-made insurance policies. However, the most important factor remains an appropriate level of risk awareness on the part of the horticulture business owner. Your risk consultant will be happy to inform you about preventive measures and suitable insurance solutions.

Structural and technical measures

Focus on thermal screens

With horizontal screen installations, fires can spread quickly throughout the entire greenhouse. In particular, the degree of flammability of the fabric will determine the extent of the damage. Our experience has shown that fires caused by highly flammable fabrics spread particularly quickly and over a large area. Gartenbau-Versicherung has therefore been recommending the use of flame-retardant screening materials for years. For new buildings, new installations or when modifying thermal screens, the above-mentioned materials are mandatory when concluding an insurance policy.

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Other possible risks and causes of fires.

According to our experts, there are also other factors that play a role.

Appliances: Charging stations

for electric vehicles and battery-powered appliances: These may cause short circuits,
e.g. due to overloading.

Powerful assimilation lamps

generate high temperatures, are often made of plastic and they must not, under any circumstances, be installed too close to thermal screens.

Technically flawless cabling

should be in place for all live devices. The plugs and sockets should also be in perfect condition, preferably with a higher IP protection class, at least IP44 in greenhouses.

Optimize power supply protection

Optimize power supply protection for the sub-distribution of current collectors. The “serial connection” of several current collectors leads to overloads that can cause the cables to overheat.

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