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Severe storms in Baden-Württemberg: 30 businesses affected

Severe storms cause considerable damage in Baden- Württemberg: the Gartenbau-Versicherung estimates the claims payments at a seven-figure sum.

On Friday, 12 July, severe storms raged across Baden-Württemberg and caused considerable damage, particularly in the Ludwigsburg district, the Rems-Murr district and the Calw district. Garden centres with greenhouse production and foil houses were particularly affected. Hailstones, some as large as table tennis balls, caused total damage to the glass and destroyed the crops and inventory in the greenhouses and polytunnels. The Gartenbau-Versicherung has currently received reports from 30 affected businesses.

The storm was caused by a combination of very warm, humid air from a south-westerly flow and an approaching cold front from the north-west. This perfect constellation for heat storms led to heavy rain, storms and hailstones with a diameter of up to five centimetres.

The field staff of Gartenbau-Versicherung began settling the claims on Saturday morning. “It is very important to us that our risk consultants are on site as quickly as possible in order to record the
damage promptly and, if necessary, initiate initial payouts. They also advise on how to proceed and support the damaged businesses in order to avoid consequential damage,” emphasises Christian
Senft, Chairman of the Board of Gartenbau-Versicherung.