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Assekurata rating: Gartenbau-Versicherung once again awarded top marks

By 29. August 2024No Comments

Gartenbau-Versicherung has once again achieved the top rating of
“A++/Excellent” in the renowned Assekurata rating. This outstanding
result reflects the stable security situation, the partnership-based
relationship with the members and the growth, particularly abroad.#


The overall result is made up of various individual results, which are weighted differently in the
assessment. The company received top marks in the areas of safety, customer focus, growth and
attractiveness in the market. As in the previous year, the area of success was rated as “good”. This is
due to the specialist insurer’s business model, which places the interests of its members above profit
maximisation and is strongly characterised by the handling of natural hazards claims.

“We are very pleased about the renewed excellent rating, which confirms our work. The close
relationship with our members and the fast claims settlement have characterised us since our
foundation. We are proud of this and want to continue to do so,” says CEO Christian Senft. “The
rating result reinforces our international orientation and shows that we are also on the right track in
the area of digital customer processes.”

A comprehensive, international member survey will be conducted in September for the upcoming
rating. The participating member companies will be selected at random and their responses will be
incorporated directly into the rating. “We attach great importance to the feedback from our members
and encourage every company to take part in the survey. Their opinions are of crucial importance for
our strategic direction,” emphasises Senft and takes this opportunity to thank all those who take the
time to answer the questions. Because they are also doing something for the next generation: for
every completed questionnaire, a donation is made to the European Young Gardeners.

Assekurata rating report 2024